Blast from the Past: Lessons Learned from #AdviceAt25

Advice at 25Look back at your 25-year-old self — what would you tell her or him? Would you share career wisdom? Life advice? What’s the one thing you’d share that could impact a young person? 

Earlier last week, we asked our social media audience what advice they would share with their younger self using the hashtag #AdviceAt25. Here’s what they said:

Naveed Hussain

“Pave your own way, don’t lose yourself trying to be and look like others.”

Lisa Hastings

“Be brave! Hurdle yourself forward and ask for help along the way. Make the ask specific – an introduction, critical feedback – and cast a wide net of people in your circle.”

Dan Griffiths

“Invest even more energy into building a network. It’s much like saving for retirement. Small investments made early on can pay huge dividends down the road and it requires huge investments later in your career to make up for a failure to make the small investments when you’re just getting started.”

Peter Henley

“Do what you love to do, in a place you love to do it, with people who love doing it with you. What you love to do is usually, but not necessarily, what you’re good at.”

Natalie Brown

“The quality of your relationships – both personal and professional – will determine your success and satisfaction in life. Be steadfast with your value systems and allow them to guide you in your thought process, in your decisions, and ultimately your actions.”

John McSoley

“Slow down, listen and make time for yourself and your family.”

Larry Boyd

“Work hard at not being surprised. Constantly survey the horizon 360. Set aside time to ‘think critically’ about impact, and then act.”

Deidre Wolfe

“Ask questions and learn as much as you can. Surround yourself with smart, ethical people. Be willing to change and go with the flow.”

What advice would you give yourself at 25? Join the conversation using #AdviceAt25.

Elizabeth Rock, Specialist-Social Media and Member Engagement, American Institute of CPAs. 


Source: AICPA