Important Changes to LinkedIn Groups Have Arrived

LinkedInAcross the social media space, LinkedIn is one of the most widely adopted platforms among CPAs. In an effort to simplify the platform for users, LinkedIn will be making some changes to its popular groups feature over the coming weeks. Below are some of the key changes that will improve the experience.

  • All groups are now member only. Simply put, this means that every group will require a request to join. Before, some groups and conversations were open to the public. However, now you will have to be a member of any group you would like to participate in.
  • Standard vs. Unlisted. All LinkedIn groups will fall into these two categories, compared to the multiple settings previously offered. One of the biggest impacts this change will have is that unlisted groups will no longer show up in search results. If you’re having trouble finding a group, visit the website of the organization that runs it. They will typically have the links to all social networks they have a presence on.
  • Increased content moderation. LinkedIn groups were made specifically for discussions between like-minded professionals. However, over time, spam accounts started to find a place in the groups. In an effort to remove these posts, LinkedIn will be moderating each discussion when submitted. If a post contains “salesy” text, the screening system will flag it to the owner of the group to moderate. To keep this from happening to your posts, make sure the content is conversational in nature.
  • Images. LinkedIn is now allowing members to post images within groups. Have an image you think would resonate with your fellow CPAs? Start a thread in a group and share! Just make sure it’s suitable for a professional environment.
  • Tagging individuals in threads. Similar to other social networks, you will have the ability to tag another member of the group in a discussion thread. Think your coworker will enjoy a link shared? Use @, followed by their name. The user will get a notification that you’ve tagged them and will follow the conversation.
  • LinkedIn Group app. LinkedIn has developed a separate mobile app for LinkedIn groups. You can now follow your groups on the go and never miss a conversation that interests you. If you’ve participated in a thread, notifications from the app will alert you when someone responds to your thoughts. The app is available for download on iOS and soon to be released to Android.

AICPA members: do you participate in AICPA LinkedIn groups? Here’s what you should know:

  • Most AICPA groups are a member benefit, so previously, our groups were closed. The member-only group change will not impact joining AICPA groups, but will impact joining other professional groups.
  • All AICPA groups will be unlisted, but the full list of AICPA social networks are available here. There are many groups available for different sections and credentials, so take advantage and get to know your peers!
  • Many of our members post about personal blogs. When writing these discussions, focus on the topic of your blog piece. Avoid phrases like “come visit my blog!” This wording will be picked up by the content moderation.

If you’re interested in learning more or if you’re an owner of a LinkedIn group, the full list of changes can be found here. AICPA Members: Interested in learning more about LinkedIn? Take a look at our social media user guides.

Elizabeth Rock, Specialist – Social Media and Member Engagement, American Institute of CPAs. 

<a href=” /” title=”LinkedIn”>LinkedIn courtesy of rvlsoft/

Source: AICPA