The one business mentality all CPAs need

Global mindsetDr. Alia Crum famously says in her Ted Talks, “Change your mindset, change the game.” This philosophy is especially true in how we relate to one another. In today’s evolving marketplace, being a successful businessperson requires the ability to work and engage with people from all over the world and from many different cultures.

Understanding the global mindset

The global mindset is “the ability to relate to and influence individuals and groups whose culture and way of doing business are different from your own.” It’s necessary for anyone who wants to “change their game” and thrive in today’s business environment.

But incorporating this perspective means more than just changing the way you think. It means filling your mind with information that will help you behave in a more culturally sensitive way, making you more effective in both business and community. The global mindset’s three capitals were developed by Thunderbird University, and include:

1) Intellectual capital (what you know): Having global business savvy, a cosmopolitan outlook, and cognitive complexity – including strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

2) Psychological capital (what you feel): Possessing a passion for diversity, a desire to challenge yourself, and self-assurance.

3) Social capital (what you do): Demonstrating intercultural empathy, interpersonal impact, and diplomacy.

 Why a global mindset matters

A person who embraces these three capitals can interact with a wide variety of people successfully. And positive personal interaction helps set the foundation of any good business relationship.

  • A global mindset provides you with greater market insight. A culturally diverse team is more likely to have superior knowledge about the political and social idiosyncrasies of different foreign markets.
  • You will improve morale among employees. People want to feel comfortable and respected in their workplace. When a leader embodies a global mindset, employees are happier. Plus, companies with a reputation for encouraging a global mindset will draw more talent from all over the world.

Change comes from within

Two other keys help you achieve a global mindset: possessing self-assurance and practicing mindfulness.

  • Self-assurance means you have the confidence it takes to power through an uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation (for instance, when you’re in a different cultural setting).
  • Mindfulness is a state of being that involves increased awareness of emotions, thoughts, and surroundings. Practicing mindfulness decreases negative bias that helps us better understand the context of people’s actions.

Want to learn more? Attend this free webcast, and I’ll lead you through valuable insights and help you hone this critical skill. Register now for “Developing your Global Mindset,” Oct. 19, 2017, from 1-2pm EST and earn 1 CPE credit.

For a sneak peek at what I’ll discuss, get started with this Facebook Live event.

Kim Drumgo, Director — Diversity and Inclusion, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants

Global mindset courtesy of Shutterstock.

Source: AICPA