Wellness in mind: Resources for self-care

Shutterstock_1489697975We need to practice self-care now more than ever — in the face of an unprecedented crisis, surrounded by the unknown. Even without the pandemic adding stress to our lives, anxiety, sadness and self-doubt can affect us at any time. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, making this an ideal opportunity to learn how to manage your feelings with patience and kindness.

Whether it’s taking moments to acknowledge how you feel in times of turmoil, using your senses to create calm for yourself while working from home or adapting to the changing expectations of your job, there are many simple steps you can take to promote your physical and mental well-being. We’ve compiled the following resources to help you get started:

Permission to be selfish. Even if you can’t take a typical vacation, you need to take some time off and prioritize your needs and wants. By managing a healthy recovery, you’ll become a better coworker, friend and family member.  

Stress-busting senses. Our five senses can do more than their expected external duties — they can help us find internal balance, too.

Accept the changing situation. The world may seem like it’s upside down now, but you can still create stability for yourself. Here are tips on how to reduce anxiety and isolation.   

Managing WFH. You’ve suddenly found yourself working from home, and it’s a lot to take in. Whether it’s the isolation that gets to you or the pressure to parent while working, here are some insights to help you manage.

Productivity hacks. Streamlining your approach to work helps you become more productive, increases your focus and reduces stress.

Self-care every day. Don’t leave it for when you’re drowning underneath the stress of work and expectations — carve out some time for self-care every day. We break down the what and how.

Healthy stomach, healthy mind. When you’re busy, you tend to choose food for convenience rather than health. But your food choices have lasting effects — why not make them positive?

Choose to improve. Thriving means evolving with the times. Come up with resolutions to become more effective —whether at work, at home or in your downtime.

Lead with support. If you’re a manager, you may be seeing some of your employees struggle with stress. Here’s how you can help.

Thrive and be well. You can make the choice not just to prioritize wellness, but to thrive in your environment. Try these two proven methods.

Separate work and self. Compartmentalizing work, how work makes us feel and the need for downtime can be stressful. This is where mindfulness comes in to help you create a healthy working environment.

Mindfulness matters. Busy season can take a lot out of a person, but our six-part podcast shows you there are ways to reorient yourself to find mental peace among the distractions.

Making the time to step back and take a deep breath can work wonders for your mind, body and spirit. When work anxiety and the weight of expectations seem too much, remember that you can take positive actions and be kind to yourself. It may be the final day of Mental Health Awareness Month, but our efforts to support you will continue year round.

Association Staff

Source: AICPA